Wordpress plugins


Version : 2.7.2
Tested up to : 4.2.16
Number of download : 168373
Author : John Eckman
Average rating : 0 / 5 on 0 votes 0 votes, 0 avg.rating



NOTE: Major changes between 2.0.x and versions 2.1 or later. Please see: http://wpbook.net/docs/upgrade/ for information on how to upgrade if you used 2.0.x previously. WPBook enables users to add your (self-hosted, not wordpress.com) wordpress blog as a Facebook application. Facebook users will see your posts in a Facebook look and feel, and can leave comments with their Facebook identity. Comments are shared – meaning comments made by users on your blog at its regular domain and comments made by users inside Facebook are all shown to users of either “view” of your content. Facebook users can also add a profile tab to a Facebook page, using the “add profile tab” button at the top of the default canvas page. (NOTE: Facebook no longer allows the addition of tabs by applications to the Facebook profiles of individual users). WPBook also post notifications automatically to your wall, or the wall of pages for which you are an admin, to which you’ve added the app, and for which you’ve granted stream publish permission, when you write a new post. (This includes Application Profile pages and group walls, if you are an admin and have enabled fans to write on your walls). Finally, WPBook can also import comments made on your wall (or the wall of a Fan page) in response to excerpts it has posted, and show those in your WordPress blog as full comments. As of 1.5, this plugin requires PHP 5. To Do Use settings API better / clean up settings (maybe a whole new box for settings in left nav? enabling sub-pages) Enable multi-author blogs. (Separate FB publish destinations for each author? Separate FB app for each author? Filter tab view to only show each author’s posts?) Leverage Facebook API to publish notifications to stream when user leaves a comment (comment poster’s stream and users streams) Threaded comments. (If user has them enabled – requires WP 2.7.x) Error handling – do something with the FB exceptions caught Probably use set_transient to show – will require WP 2.8 or greater

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