Wordpress plugins
YMYL Schema Post Content plugin

YMYL Schema Post Content plugin

Version : 4.7
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YMYL Schema Post Content plugin
YMYL Schema Post Content plugin
YMYL Schema Post Content plugin
YMYL Schema Post Content plugin

Easy to use plugin that allows WordPress built site owners to add Content/Post Markup to their websites (validated in Google Webmaster Tools). Using schema.org to describe your content will allow Google to index and show your posts in search. Including schema microdata in your web pages is similar to eating well, exercising or getting a good nights rest. You know you should be doing it, but actually following through can be harder than it sounds. But, like I always say, Do The WORK, and You Will Be REWARDED For It! You can now make it really easy to add the proper Schema Markup to your posts and pages with the YMYL Schema Post Content Markup Plugin. Contrary to common misconception, Google does in fact use Schema Markup to display rich snippets. Clear, concise rich snippets can result in higher click-through rates, as users can quickly and easily determine whether the content on your site is what they are looking for. Although Schema and other Structured Markup formats have been around for several years, less than 3 percent bother to include Schema Microdata (they are losing out on a HUGE boost in SEO and Rankings!), and even fewer people actually know what schema is or what it is for. However, there is no need to be embarrassed, just learn how to make it an integral part of your SEO strategy. As with other markup formats, schema microdata is applied to the content of a page to define exactly what it is and how it should be treated. Schema elements and attributes can be added directly to the HTML code of a web page to provide the search engines crawlers with additional information by using the YMYL Schema Post Content Plugin. Including schema microdata in your HTML code can help search engine crawlers interpret the content of your pages more effectively. This, in turn, can increase your visibility. However, it is important to note that including schema (or any other structured markup format) in your code is not a quick and dirty SEO hack. Instead, think of Schema Markup as a best practice to make it easier for search engines to find and display your content. Aside from making it easier for search engines to properly categorize your site content, marking up your pages with Schema Microdata can also be used to define and display rich snippets of your content in SERPs.

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