Here are the most downloaded Wordpress plugins. These most popular Wordpress plugins are downloaded a lot simply because they are very useful, easy to setup and use.
Easily update your user profile avatar from the frontend by adding the [frontend-user-avatar] shortcode
Do you need to edit any of the Gravity Forms entries on your site?
This plugin hides update notifications for WordPress core, plugin, and theme updates in WordPress admin…
Bootstrap 4.0 Slider with customize and awosome ui/ux. Wordpress Full functional. Use Shortcode [boot_slider id="…
Export your user's login records into a CSV or JSON file in seconds.
О?правка формы на поч?у по средс?вам ajax. Прос?ое решение для разрабо?ки собс?венных ?ем.
Eklenti sayesinde kullanıcılarınız kendi beden kitle endekslerini hesaplayabilecekler.
Exposes the PayPal URL needed to complete payments for PayPal-powered Gravity Forms.