Here are the most downloaded Wordpress plugins. These most popular Wordpress plugins are downloaded a lot simply because they are very useful, easy to setup and use.
WordSync allows you to synchronise posts, pages, users, taxonomies, attachments and settings between two WordPress installs.
A fundraising plugin for easy donations through collections created by users.
A multisite authentication plugin for handling logins, signups, password resets, activation account auth components all in one WordPress blog/site
Reduce time spent on fixing your website's design by working directly on it, tweaking and…
Set custom AVATAR (User Profile Image) and store avatars into Database as base64 string.
WooCommerce extension enabling your store to offer same day (or future date) deliveries and returns in 1-hour timeslots within central London.
Empower your users with a convenient tool to conceal comments by trolls and other annoying commenters.